The Live Events Coalition Needs Our Help!
The LEC Government Affairs needs our help in getting as many events business owners and employees to take another survey.
Many of us are seeing cancellations due to Delta, and being able to communicate with Congress using real data about how this is impacting our industry is critical. There are other questions in the survey that will help us get a true snapshot of where our industry really is.
One other thing that this survey really helps with is the national media…they want “hard numbers” and they want to see where we got them, so this really matters as we have more conversations with outlets such as Bloomberg Business, CNBC, and Wall Street Journal, among others.
SO: Please help us get this back to LEC from folks in our state or colleagues in your address book, onto your social media groups, and even into email blasts if you have that capacity in your chapter. And of course, please click the link and take the survey yourself 😊!
Hello ILEC members! Some news out of the DCEO this week - BIG Grants are Back!
The back to business grant program has 25MIL set aside for our industry. You may have receieved an email today regarding this, or, head over to this link to find out if you qualify and apply.
BACP/CDPH Mask Webinar 8/19/21
Hello Friends and Colleagues,
We hope you are hangin’ in there. Let’s get right to it from today’s BACP and CDPH webinar
You can watch the full replay here on their You Tube Page or attend the seminar tomorrow at 1pm.
Starting Friday, everyone over the age of 2 needs to have a mask on while inside in public spaces. If they are at a restaurant, as was previously the regulation, masks can be removed while eating or drinking. But worn at all other times
Masks are required for indoor events. Yep, that has been confirmed. Event Venues are considered public spaces, even if events are private, e.g. weddings, birthday parties, work related meetings/outings.
➡️ Therefore masks are required at weddings and events if they are indoor events.
At places of worship indoors, a mask is required. Essentially, a mask is required on at all times. Choirs while singing can remove their masks to sing.
During a reception, party, etc with love entertainment, performers, singers and actors can remove their mask when performing. They should put their masks on when not performing. For live bands with singers, the performers are allowed to take masks off when performing.
Businesses are asked to post details about the mask mandate. Signage can be downloaded here.
Cocktail receptions where guests are standing are permitted. Guests will just remove their masks while eating or drinking. But moving between tables or areas, masks are required.
Face masks are required on dance floors.
Even if all attendees of a wedding are vaccinated or have a negative test they are STILL REQUIRED to wear masks.
Enforcement of Mandate: The BACP, Department of Public Health and the police will be enforcing this new mandate. Fines could be written for those not enforcing the mask mandate.
Thank you! Stay safe, stay well and wear your mask!
Ali Phillips, Michelle Durpetti and Collin Pierson
Mask Mandate Imposed in City of Chicago
Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s office today had a press conference today and announced an indoor mask mandate for EVERYONE over the age of 2 (vaccinated and non-vaccinated) for the City of Chicago beginning on Friday, August 20th. With the city at over 400 cases the new policy will remain in place until Chicago’s case count goes consistently under 400.
Please see the article here with details from the Chicago Tribune
The mandate will apply to places including gyms, common areas of apartment or condo complexes, private clubs and bars and restaurants, though patrons will be able to remove their masks while eating or drinking. Masks can be removed in workplaces that are not open to the public, if employees are “static” and can maintain 6 feet of social distancing, according to a city news release. Businesses in Chicago will be required to enforce the mask mandate.
Seminars will be held about the new mask mandate on Thursday at 10am and Friday at 1pm. Click here to register.
As new news comes out and as we hear more details we will share it with you. Mask up! Stay Safe!
Michelle, Ali and Collin
Big News from The City of Chicago!
Hello everyone! Great news we just had to share immediately! Who is ready to dance?
Earlier today, following guidance from the CDC and the State of Illinois, and recognizing how safe and effective the COVID vaccine is, the City of Chicago announced that it will no longer require masks for fully vaccinated people in most settings, including businesses. In alignment with federal and state guidelines, masks will still be required, regardless of vaccination status, in health care settings, schools, correctional/congregate settings and on public transportation.
As a reminder, fully vaccinated means two weeks after your second vaccine dose if you got the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or two weeks after your single dose if you got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. If you are not fully vaccinated, you need to continue to wear your mask in all indoor settings.
Businesses are strongly encouraged to verify vaccination status before allowing customers and/or employees to not wear face coverings.
The City also strongly encourages businesses to continue requiring face coverings in all indoor settings in Chicago until we enter Phase Five and all regulations are lifted, especially if businesses do not have the capacity to verify vaccination status or if employees, clients or attendees are not all known to be vaccinated. Businesses should also indicate their current masking policy via signage or other communication to customers prior to entry.
Please be advised that businesses are still required to verify that customers are fully vaccinated if they would like to increase their COVID-19 capacity through the Vaccine Exemption. Read this FAQ for more information, and also note two changes to the COVID-19 regulations that are effective immediately:
Dance Floors
Dance floors can reopen at private social events such as weddings, with fully vaccinated individuals allowed to dance without face coverings and without physical distancing.
Unvaccinated individuals should continue to wear masks and maintain physical distancing while dancing.
Venues are required to verify that guests that are dancing without face coverings and without physical distancing are fully vaccinated, and guests should be prepared to show proof of vaccination that matches the information tracked by the venue.
Fully Vaccinated Establishments
Businesses can operate without any COVID-19 restrictions within their entire establishment or a designated room/floor if they only allow customers and employees that are fully vaccinated within that area. This means that six feet of social distancing would not be required between parties, provided that all customers or employees within the establishment or within that specific room or floor are fully vaccinated.
In order to take advantage of this exemption and operate without COVID-19 restrictions, a business must verify that all customers within the establishment or within any room or floor is fully vaccinated, and customers should be prepared to show proof of vaccination that matches the information tracked by the establishment.
If any of the customers within an establishment or a room or floor are not fully vaccinated, then six feet of distancing must be maintained between all parties within that area.
The latest overview of COVID-19 regulations in Chicago will be posted at
BACP will be holding webinars later this week on the new mask guidance and the Vaccine Exemption. Webinars will be held on Thursday, May 20, at 3:00pm and Friday, May 21 at 1:00pm. Register and learn more at
Thanks everyone!!
Ali, Michelle and Collin
Illinois Moves to Bridge Phase
Happy Friday Friends!
We are so happy to see that Illinois and Chicago has now moved to the Bridge Phase! We were elated to see this announcement and happy that we are moving towards larger guests capacities.
Bridge Phase is Here!
Social Events (e.g. weddings)
Indoor events limited to 250 people with outdoor events limited to 500 people (option to exempt individuals that are fully vaccinated from capacity limit - still must maintain six feet of social distancing between parties)
All Food Service and Bars regulations must be followed, including:
Standing areas can operate at 25% capacity (option to exempt individuals that are fully vaccinated from capacity limit)
Table size limited to no more than ten people (option to increase table size if all patrons 16+ are fully vaccinated)
Tables must be spaced so that patrons are six feet away from patrons at other tables
Face coverings must be worn at all times, except when seated and actively eating or drinking
Close all dance floors and other places where social distancing is not possible.
Places of Worship
60% capacity (option to exempt individuals that are fully vaccinated from capacity limit - still must maintain six feet of social distancing between parties)
No capacity limit outdoors, with six feet of social distancing between parties
Face coverings must be worn at all times
Meetings, Conferences and Conventions60% capacity, with no more than 1,000 people (option to exempt individuals that are fully vaccinated from capacity limit - still must maintain six feet of social distancing between parties)
Face coverings must be worn at all times
Other Notes
The bridge phase would allow businesses in a wide range of categories, from offices to retailers to gyms, to operate at 60% capacity, up from 50%. Amusements parks, museums and zoos would also rise to 60% capacity from the current 25%.
Ticketed and seated spectator events, as well as theaters and performing arts, also would have a 60% capacity
Announcement from the city, ***Following today’s announcement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in which they updated their recommendations for fully vaccinated individuals, the City of Chicago will be working with the state to review and update our COVID-19 regulations. We expect to broadly follow the new CDC guidance across most settings and will be releasing updated guidelines in the coming days. Until that time, the regulations detailed in the email below are in effect beginning Friday, May 14, 2021.***
Vaccination Exceptions
In addition to the broad loosening of regulations, all businesses will have the opportunity to take advantage of the Vaccine Exemption beginning on May 14, 2021. The Vaccine Exemption has three components:
Fully vaccinated individuals do not count towards COVID-19 capacity limits across all industries (six feet of social distancing still maintained between parties)
Bars, restaurants and other establishments that allow onsite consumption of food or alcohol can increase table or party size above the limit of ten if all patrons age 16+ at that table or within that party are fully vaccinated.
Late Hour Liquor Licensees can operate without hour restrictions if only fully vaccinated patrons are permitted to enter. While all bars and restaurants are allowed to stay open under standard hours in the Chicago Bridge Phase, this will allow Late Hour establishments to stay open until 4:00 am Monday through Saturday morning and 5:00 am on Sunday morning if all patrons are fully vaccinated.
Businesses that choose to take advantage of the Vaccine Exemption are responsible for managing their capacity and admission procedures to establish a protocol and system to verify that patrons are fully vaccinated, defined as 14 days following their final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. At minimum, businesses are required to track which customers are under vaccine exemption during their time in the establishment and demonstrate the process to on-site investigators upon request.
BACP will be holding webinars on the new regulations and the Vaccine Exemption Friday, May 14 at 2:00 pm and Monday, May 17 at 1:00 pm. Register and learn more at Additionally, the updated COVID-19 regulations will be available at
We are so happy to see the return of larger events to our state! Please continue to follow the guidelines and host safe events!
Thank you,
Ali, Michelle and Collin
Chicago New Guideline Announcements
Hello and Happy Friday to you all!
We are so excited about Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s announcement Thursday. We spoke with Isaac from the BACP earlier today (the City of Chicago) and we wanted to share some notes below.
For reference, the City of Chicago full press release here from Thursday is here and here.
Under the new Phase Four Regulations, most Chicago industries will have the ability to increase capacity effective immediately, including the following changes:
Restaurants and bars: Indoor capacity can increase to the lesser of 50% or 100 people.
Places of worship: Large indoor venues can now operate at 25% capacity.
Social Events (e.g. weddings, potlucks, and community events): Indoor 50% capacity or 50 people *Fully vaccinated individuals can be excluded from the capacity of private events. See Venue Guidelines below for additional information.
The City is hosting some really great seminars where they will share important information about the new changes in the city. These are very informative and we strongly encourage you to attend.
If you miss the webinars, they are posted following the seminars on their You Tube Page.
Register here for Seminars on “Navigating the New Phase Four Regulations and Chicago Bridge Phase”. Two opportunities below.
TODAY, Friday, August 30th at 2pm
Monday, May 3rd at 2pm
Some notes from our call we had this morning at 11:00 with Isaac from the BACP:
50 people is the current capacity limit. But now, vaccinated individuals do not count towards that number. (See above for more info)
Please bear in mind ALL current guidelines still apply - such as:
6 feet social distancing between tables
Mask wearing unless eating or drinking
Dance floors should still remain closed
Currently only 6 people per table is allowed in the City of Chicago
The business who holds the license is ultimately the entity who holds the responsibility of enforcement of guidelines. This would be Venue, Caterer or Event Organizer (if is there is one).
FAQ’s on vaccination records for State of Illinois. The City of Chicago has referred us to this document. Some details shared below.
How are capacity limits outlined in the guidelines impacted for guests or patrons that are able to demonstrate immunity with proof of a vaccination or negative COVID-19 test?
Individuals with proof of full vaccination plus 14 days or a negativeCOVID-19test(PCR) 1 to 3 days prior to an event or outing do not count against capacity limits. Patrons and attendees must show proof of completed vaccination series or recent negative COVID-19 test prior to entry and are subject to additional state face covering rules and social distancing guidelines of at least 6’ between individuals that are not in the same household or group even if they meet the criteria for demonstrated immunity.
Is this effective immediately, or not until the Bridge Phase?
This is effective immediately.
Is there a standard way to verify vaccination and/or having received a negative COVID-19
Following full vaccination, individuals receive a vaccination card from the administrator of the vaccine. At this point, there is no uniform proof of vaccine or negative COVID-19 tests. Businesses should develop methods to evaluate authenticity of the documentation provided.
Does this apply to all sectors which have guidelines?
How are businesses supposed to track individuals who received vaccinations or a negative COVID-19 test?
Businesses are responsible for managing their capacity and admission procedures within the venue to establish a protocol and system to verify proof of a vaccination plus 14 days or a negative COVID-19 test. Businesses should evaluate privacy concerns to implement a reliable method to manage proof of vaccinations or negative COVID-19 test. If a venue is being utilized by a company for an event, the event host is responsible for compliance.
If businesses opt to establish a system of checking proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test to permit greater capacity, businesses should evaluate all applicable data privacylawsforretentionoftheinformation. Businessesarenotrequiredtoaskallpatrons of proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test if they wish to remain within Restore Illinois Phase 4 and Bridge Phase limits.
What, if any, records should a business or organization retain to comply with the stated option that persons with proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test do not count towards capacity?
Similar to displaying a driver’s license to show proof of age, individuals would show proof of vaccination with their card or online confirmation of a negative COVID test prior to entry. Retaining a copy of the record is not a requirement of compliance with this option. Businesses that have registration options for an event, could have a self-reporting function on the registration that the individual would check a box during the registration and then at the time of the event, provide the proof prior to entering the event. Clear communication to attendees on this requirement and expectation to bring the documentation with them for the event is recommended. Please consult an attorney with any data privacy or HIPAA compliance questions.
Is there a cap on the number of vaccinated individuals an establishment can allow on the premises?
Venues with fixed seating such as a theater, restaurant, and sporting venue are limited by the requirement to maintain at least 6’ social distancing between groups. Venues without fixed seating need to implement a method to ensure that groups maintain 6’ social distancing within the space
For both fixed seating and non-fixed seating venues, capacities may also not exceed the maximum allowable capacity otherwise indicated by applicable codes (e.g. fire code) if other social distancing measures are feasible.
If an individual has a proven immunity through proof vaccinations or a recent negative COVID-19 test, can those individuals intermingle with people outside their group without social distancing?
No. The concept of permitting individuals to not count towards the capacity limits does not permit the individuals to also mix within the venue, event, or other industry space and not follow the other restrictions.
We look forward to hosting a Zoom on Monday at 11am! Click here to join the Zoom!
Thank you!!
Ali, Collin and Michelle
Checking in with the Coalition and NACE Covid-19 Task Force
Hello Illinois Event Industry Professionals,
It's been a while since the Illinois Events Coalition and the NACE Covid-19 Task Force (Chicago/IL) has checked in with the industry and we thought that it would be helpful to host a webinar this week to review the current guidelines for Illinois and Chicago/Cook County. We will be cover common questions that the industry has been asking us and provide updates on the status of the industry. All event industry professionals are welcome! Space is limited and registration is required.
Questions can be submitted to us prior to Friday or submitted in the Chat. We look forward to connecting with you!
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Apr 23, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: NACE Covid-19 Task Force and Illinois Events Coalition: Guideline Check-in
Register in advance for this webinar!
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Call with DCEO
Checking in about how Illinois and local counties will use distributions from the American Rescue Plan (ARPA)
Hello, Happy Friday to you all! Ali had a chance to touch base with Isaac from the BACP earlier this week (the City of Chicago) and we posted some updates from the most recent information shared from the city earlier this week.
In the meantime, we wanted to reach out to the DCEO to inquire if our industry was being considered/included in distribution of the funding that Illinois has received via ARPA.
Here is what we learned: The way it works is similar to the CARES ACT - there is money that has been allocated to the state - half now and half next year. About $13 Billion for state and counties with about $998 million for cook county alone.
We were eager to discuss that many event/wedding industry businesses did not get money from the Illinois BIG grants or county funding and see what we could do to learn more about making sure that we get considered within this round of grant money.
Currently, the state still needs to appropriate the funds through a budget process. Right now there is ongoing discussion between budget offices and legislatures on how to allocate those funds. It does seems likely that they will want to have another round of BIG grants - most likely a large round.
The state is interested in being able to specifically target industries and business that have not gotten direct support. For example, while there is the SVOG (shuttered venue grant), that was not for every business within the industry as you are all probably aware already. The DCEO also noted that in addition to the majority of our industry being left out of qualifying for that money, that hotels were not included either. The state is hoping for flexibility with prioritizing industries that are most impacted and businesses that have not received significant support, or enough direct support to really help them to move beyond the pandemic. These would be businesses + industries who do not qualify for SVOG, or restaurant money either. Maybe these businesses did receive some money through PPP but it was ultimately not enough.
The state is working on this with the Governor's office with how they would like to structure this. There is a concern about how to get this structured and we talked about that for a bit. For example, legislatures are interested in the program running well (of course), and they have opinions on who should qualify and who should not. The DCEO is hoping for flexibility and is aware of US and our industry and made a point to thank the coalition and its members for their ongoing availability and sharing of information (so THANK you for always being here when we ask!). They even went so far as to explain that with the events industry they felt rather “hamstrung” that so many funds were appropriated downstate with the BIG grant leading to so many people/businesses being left out. The justification was that there was direct funding from the CARES act for upstate counties, and downstate legislatures wanted downstate to be recognized. This is not an issue this time. This will go to all counties so there should NOT be that constraint. This is good news!
What we can do: The advice loud and clear was to continue to communicate with legislatures.
Communicating that we are in touch with DCEO, and that they are aware of us, and of the financial impact the pandemic has had on our businesses and industry. It is important that WE communicate that by providing the state with flexibility within the structure so that our needs can also be met would be immesley helpful. The money is now at the state level -> federal treasury transferred to state treasury. The CARES act had similarities to this current structure, with the state being able to use that money for a whole lot of things including small business support. THIS IS A GOOD THING for us. Essentially, there has to be a process in short with state legislature appropriating the money to certain industries, and that we make ourselves heard to better our chances of being one of them.
We are working on a plan to continue efforts to reach to state legislatures and will share the letters for you to send as well.
Stay tuned, more to come but we did want to get this out so you knew we were working on it. To those celebrating - Happy Easter! and to all have a wonderful weekend. 💚
Ali, Collin and Michelle
City of Chicago Webinar
Hello there!
Today we attended the Mayor’s and the City of Chicago BACP briefing webinar for restaurants, bars and venues. We wanted to share notes for the webinar today.
Fom Mayor Lightfoot:
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 numbers still going up at an alarming spike with
498 new cases today with a 4.5% positivity in the City of Chicago. The rate of rise in cases is worrying for Chicago residents. There has been an emergency room uptick for COVID like cases as well. They are seeing the age group of 18-39 year-olds with the increase in cases and they saw this trend last fall before the November surge which worries them.
They are asking for and relying on venues, bars and restaurants to enforce the guidelines and will be out in the city making sure businesses are doing this. The responsibility lies in the restaurants, bars and venues and they will be giving fines to businesses up to $10,000 if they are not enforcing the guidelines.
Mayor Lightfoot reiterated that the last thing she wants to do is roll back and bring back further mitigations and urges people to please help the city stay safe by enforcing and educating others about the guidelines!
From the BACP:
During their inspections, they are seeing social distancing issues, capacity issues and too many people not wearing masks. Last weekend 7 businesses were cited and over 100 visits were made to busineses. They found 158 people in one room in a River North restaurant. This is not allowed. The maximum number of people in one room is 50% capacity or 50 people, whichever is lesser.
The BACP inspectors are going to be out in full force in the City visiting businesses. They also caution bar owners to stay diligent as baseball returns to Chicago to continue to follow these guidelines. They also reminded buildings and property managers they need to adhere to guidelines in their private spaces.
They reiterated the guidelines for Restaurants, Bars and Venues
Patrons tables should be 6 feet apart
Outdoors: 10 per table allowed
Inside: 6 per table allowed
Patrons must be seated at all times.
Masks must be on when seated and not actively eating or drinking.
No one should be at the bar congregating.
ONLY 50% capacity of 50 people, whichever is lesser, allowed per room
They also reiterated the Social Events Guidelines
Capacity Limits
Lesser of 50% or 50 people indoors
Lesser of 50% or 100 people outdoors
Patrons tables should be 6 feet apart
Outdoors: 10 per table allowed
Inside: 6 per table allowed
Patrons must be seated at all times.
Masks must be on when seated and not actively eating or drinking.
Close all dance floors and other areas where social distancing is not possible.
Event venues must be properly licensed to hold events.
It is up to the bars, restaurants and venues to enforce these rules!!
For the full list of the guidelines please visit here.
Will Chicago have a similar Bridge Plan to Illinois?
They are looking at it and do not have a formal plan right now to share.
Do vaccinated people count towards capacity in Chicago?
Yes, in Chicago, vaccinated people do count towards the capacity limits at this time.
Will people who test negative 1-3 days prior for COVID-19 count towards capacity limits?
Yes, in Chicago, people testing negative 1-3 says prior will count towards the capacity limits at this time.
The BACP encourages people to reach out if they have any questions to them.
For questions email:
Stay safe!!
Ali, Michelle and Collin
ILEC Updates from CDPH & BACP
Hello friends and fellow IL Events Coalition supports!
Happy Thursday to you!
The CDPH & BACP provided updates today regarding capacity limits in response to the Governor’s new plan for phased re-opening. Please see below for updates:
Please be advised that existing regulations remain in place for now in the City of Chicago aside from these changes – please visit for the latest details…
Please visit this link to view the full release from CDPH & BACP
We will be sharing more info soon, as well as details on where to find us on clubhouse and zoom for additional conversation about these new guidelines!
IL Events Coalition call with DCEO Illinois
Hello fellow event industry colleagues and Illinois Events Coalition supporters!
Happy Friday to you! Ok, so today we are going to do our utmost to clarify a few things for you.
We had an excellent call with the DCEO (Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity) to get some additional information and clarification with regards to the most recent guidelines from Governor Pritzker’s office yesterday.
One very key thing thing to note? —->>> ALL EVENTS will need to continue practicing social distancing and masks ARE REQUIRED when not actively eating or drinking.
Let’s review some of the questions that we asked, and answers that we received thus far. A few we are still waiting on more information from the DCEO.
We can confirm that these answers are both valid and current as of today, March 19th, 2021. Please note: All of our questions are in quotations and responses are in italics. Please also note that was of TODAY 3/19/21 that the city of Chicago is still in phase four.
“Can you confirm the following please? In an update to current Phase 4 mitigations and the capacity limits of the bridge to Phase 5, individuals with proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test (PCR) 1-3 days prior to an event or outing do not count against capacity limit…”
This is current and correct.
Whose responsibility is it to verify tests or vaccination proof?
Expectation is that some entity would verify. The legal team is working on the specifics and putting together an FAQ response and will share with us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, maybe next week. They also noted that MANY people have asked for clarification on this item, so stay tuned as we learn more.
The intention is that they will be sharing information soon in an FAQ that they will release further explaining who is responsible for verifying the negative tests or full vaccination records when it comes to event capacity.
“Today currently, if you have a guest list of 50 people and 20 were fully vaccinated, you could actually have 70 at your event, because the 20 vaccinated guests do not get counted in to the restrictions?”
Yes, as he understands it, yes. However, social distancing does still play a key role (as we mentioned earlier) in events so keep that in mind - six feet between each table still applies to all floor plans.
“Who does the DCEO "think" is responsible for the vaccine confirmations with guests?”
TBD they are working on this and talking with legal team and will be releasing this FAQ sometime next week. We made it very clear that we would like clarification on any HIPA ramifications, liabilities, and additional responsibilities for any/all vendors involved in a live event, social gathering, etc. So, again - please stay tuned.
“We have the same question with regards to the PCR test. As it reads, if everyone had a negative test then guest size is limitless?”
YES if people all have negative PCR test then event can be larger! But remember, social distancing does apply, and six feet between tables is necessary.
“Are dance floors allowed?”
Dance floors are still closed. This most likely will remain this way until we are in phase 5. Dancing and any gathering of large groups or commingling is still being regulated for public health and safety and dancing on a dance floor falls under that risk.
“How many guests at tables?”
State is 10
City is 6
“Is 6 feet still between tables?”
YES. And required mask wearing remains in place, from chair to chair, not table to table.
“Can guests then have a "roving" cocktail hour? Are they still required to be seated when eating and drinking?”
TBD, he will get back to us, he believes that this has NOT changed and that seated cocktail hours are still in the guideline restrictions.
“What is their estimate for when 70% over 65 will be vaccinated? As well as an estimate for when 50% over 16 years of age will be vaccinated?? Any chance for an estimated timeline?”
28 days minimum for the Bridge phase. This phase is meant to “Bridge the gap” between phase four and phase five.
Within this bridge phase, if 50% of the population of 16 years of age are vaccinated then we would move to phase 5.
They are not able to give dates or any kind of timeline because of the variables involved in the required benchmark metrics, including things like hospital beds and COVID numbers, but our understanding from the conversation was that they are very hopeful and optimistic that somewhere in the summer that Illinois will be in Phase 5
“Can we go backwards from bridge at any point?”
Absolutely we can move backwards if COVID numbers go up, or if vaccines don’t arrive to Illinois as promised. There are variants of COVID that could impact this process as well should they begin to impact numbers, but the state is confident that we are moving in the right direction with the right amount of progress to keep moving forward and are hopeful to do just that.
They do not forsee more phases to be announced at this time
“Will there be different Phases of Phase 5? Will it change again as far as you know?”
He does not see it changing , however they di really listen to all of their contacts (including the IL Events Coalition!) and respond to questions and insights with an occasional tweaking of elements within guidelines when necessary. This is GREAT news for us! This means they are listening to us as an industry so we can all feel so good about that!
“When will the city of Chicago announce their response, do you have an idea??”
The Mayor will be making an announcement. From the BACP newsletter last night,
“Today, Governor Pritzker announced a pathway for the State of Illinois to move towards fully reopening. The City of Chicago is currently evaluating the guidance that was released today and will be releasing updated City guidelines early next week. Please be advised that existing regulations remain in place for now in the City of Chicago – please visit or see below for the latest details…”
The DCEO and the Governor watch what the CDC announcements are and the IDPH and guidelines will evolve.
State of Illinois Phased Re-opening Announcement
Hello friends and fellow IL Events Coalition supports!
🚨What a day today! The information shared by Governor Pritzker is hopeful, and includes the all important steps we need to take towards recovery. 🤩
We have been working diligently to unpack all of the details of today’s announcements, and while the road to recovery is still a long one, this news certainly feels like the much needed light we have all been seeking at the end of this tunnel, doesn’t it?
Please stay vigilant. Wear masks, and take all precautionary safety measures so everything continues to move forward.
We had a wonderful call with the Illinois Restaurant Association and thank them for their tireless efforts in advocating for larger events!
We have a call scheduled tomorrow morning with the state of Illinois to clarify a few of the new guidelines, and we will continue to update all of you as we learn more.
👉🏼 (please feel free to leave a question on our social or to reach out!)
And like you, we are now waiting for the City of Chicago and our Mayor to announce the city’s guidelines and reopening plan which should happen early next week.
Ali also posted a link to the press release earlier on FB, it is at the link in bio on our instagram, and you can find it here as well.
Thank you!! Ali, Michelle & Collin
Pause Social Media Campaign
Hello fellow coalition supporters!
First, let us begin by thanking those of you who joined us on our first clubhouse today! We are so appreciative of your support and inspired by each of you!
Please join us and the Live Events Coalition on a new social media campaign to create awareness for our industry which has been so devastated. The #PAUSED campaign marks a year that the live events industry has been shut down and shut out. Over the next month, we will be using the assets that were created to unite our voice as we continue to advocate for aid. We ask that you do the same and share on social media. We know that leaders are seeing these social media campaigns and it is helping!
Here is a link to our #PAUSED campaign assets and below here on how you can take part. Starting tomorrow at, please help us get the word out and take part in this campaign for the month!
Videos (to download)
Copy ideas for social (or see above copy link):
Before COVID-19, the live events industry employed 12 million people. Today, nearly 80% of us are unemployed. While you miss attending events, we still miss a paycheck - stability to provide for our families. Our industry's businesses are urgently in need of relief. Our lives remain PAUSED. We were the first to shut down, and will be the last to return. We are not looking for a handout, we need a lifeline.
Hashtags: #LiveEventsCoalition #ExtendSVOG #SaveLiveEvents #COVIDRelief #PAUSED #saveillinoisevents
Make sure tag in Illinois: @senduckworth @durbancampaign @senatordurbin @govpritzker @chicagosmayor @ileventscoaltion @chicagobacp
PPP Updates
If you have not applied for PPP yet (1st or 2nd round) please do so ASAP. A suggestion would be US BANK - based on our 100% confirmation they are utilizing the newest calculation for sole proprietors/single LLC's. Many banks like Chase, etc. are foregoing this change in the calculation because they won't be able to create the web portal changes in time.
US Bank is accepting apps from both banking customers and people who don't have accounts with them. For those that choose to apply with USBank - they are cutting off applications on WEDNESDAY MARCH 17th. Link to form that will come in handy when filling your application out and to send in.
Current Guidelines Links
Please continue to stay educated on the current regulations to help educate your clients and your fellow wedding professionals.
Guidelines from the Governors office for State of Illinois
Thank you!
Ali Phillips, Michelle Durpetti and Collin Pierson
News on Guidelines March 8th
Hello Friends and Colleagues,
The BACP (Business Affairs and Consumer Protection) group at the Chicago Mayor’s office hosted a great webinar last week on navigating the new and current COVID-19 restrictions for events, restaurants and businesses.
Call with BACP
We had a call with the BACP at the Mayor’s office last week, and we have some answers to the questions that you all sent in, as well as clarification on a few other things. Sharing those notes with you below:
Some General Notes
-Events are currently at 50 guests maximum
-Guests cannot mingle at cocktail hour. They must be seated when eating or drinking. When up and about they need to have masks on
-Events should follow the indoor dining guidelines with social distancing, etc.
Questions and Answers
What is a venue has different floors or different rooms. Can we do more than 50 guests?
Yes, but the people in the 2 rooms cannot co-mingle or share any spaces. They have to be static to their room and cannot share any spaces or restrooms. For corporate events this works well as you can stagger start times and have a live feed to the second room. But hosts of the event should not be co-mingling. If they do need to enter the second room they should have their masks on and maintain social distance.
Do babies and 1 & 2 year-olds count at a person in the 50?
When you say dance floors closed what about dancing by tables at weddings but just no dance floor?
Dance Floors should remain closed.
Guests could dance in their table area with face covering on and maintaining social distance but no dance floors can be open
Will the city be issuing a timeline for opening and increased capacity?
It is being worked on but they are not able to share yet. Also relies on State Mandates as well as the city needs to follow the State’s lead
Can we have 100 guests at a wedding or private event if we are outside or in a tent?
No, for event you can have no more than 50 guests.
For an event like a Farmer’s Market it would be allowed with required social distance at all times. But not a wedding or social event at this time.
Is the BACP currently doing inspections for violations?
Yes. And they have issued many warnings and fines. They will be working with their own inspectors and also with police help to be going to venues, private events, bars and restaurants to insure the guidelines are being followed!
We are hosting a Clubhouse. Stay tuned on social media for details and let us know if you need an invite!
Current Guidelines Links
Please continue to stay educated on the current regulations to help educate your clients and your fellow wedding professionals.
Guidelines from the Governors office for State of Illinois
Thank you! Stay safe, stay well and please continue to follow the Illinois event guidelines and lead with compassion!
Ali Phillips, Michelle Durpetti and Collin Pierson
Updates and News March 4
Hello Friends and Colleagues,
We hope this finds you safe and doing well.
The BACP (Business Affairs and Consumer Protection) group at the Chicago Mayor’s office hosted a great webinar today on navigating the new and current COVID-19 restrictions for events, restaurants and businesses.
We have a call with them tomorrow so please email us with any questions or clarifications you would like us to ask on our call with them.
You can find the replay here on their You Tube page. It has a great walk thru of the regulations and requirements for events, weddings and businesses. We recommend you all take 35 minutes to watch this webinar and it also has a lot of question and answers at the end pertaining to the event industry.
Some highlights here:
-Event capacity: Indoor and Outdoor events capped at 50 guests.
-Guests must be seated when eating or drinking. So cocktail hours with mingling is not allowed.
-Tables should have be 6 guests maximum.
-Buffets are allowed but servers would need to serve guests.
-All guests unless seated and actively eating or drinking should have masks on.
Current Guidelines Links
Please continue to stay educated on the current regulations to help educate your clients and your fellow wedding professionals.
Guidelines from the Governors office for State of Illinois
We will be hosting a Clubhouse chat next week. Stay tuned on social media fordetails!
Thank you! Stay safe, stay well and please continue to follow the Illinois event guidelines and lead with compassion!
Ali Phillips, Michelle Durpetti and Collin Pierson
Update 12/21/20 Top-line summary of the new agreement
Good morning friends and colleagues, as I am sure you have already seen in the news a relief bill has come to be, which will be submitted today for a vote. This summary was provided to us from the Live Events Coalition via Subject Matter. It is the Democrat’s summary. They are awaiting a Republican summary and will share as soon as it is received. Along with all of you, we are hopeful that today will be a day in which we can all exhale a bit, knowing relief is coming. Per the LEC, the team at Subject Matter should be receiving a text by 10:30 EST. The belief (and hope) is that this will be presented for vote today. We are sending our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have sent letters and supported the efforts of the IL events coalition as well as the Live Events Coalition. This is just the beginning of the work we have in mind, but what a great testament to the collective power of our voices this is! Thank you all, and stay tuned!





Commerce subcommittee will be hosting a hearing on our industry, today 12/15!
Hello Friends and Colleagues,
We hope this finds you safe + well.
On our weekly call with the Live Events Coalition last Thursday, we came to learn some REALLY exciting news that we wanted to share with you. The Commerce subcommittee will be hosting a hearing on our industry and the specific issues we are facing because of COVID-19. This means that The Commerce Committee is meeting to discuss the Live Events Industry. Michael Strickland and several other industry people will be testifying. The Live Events Coalition had a great conversation with Michael this week, and they are very confident that he will make sure the committee fully understands what the ecosystem of live events truly is. This is a very big moment for our industry.
More on the Hearing
U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., chairman of the Subcommittee on Manufacturing, Trade, and Consumer Protection, will convene a hearing titled, “Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on the Live Event Entertainment Industry,” at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. The hearing will examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the live event entertainment industry and the challenges faced by artists and venues, as well as supporting industries such as lighting and transportation. The hearing will also examine proposals for legislative relief, unemployment compensation, and healthcare subsidies.
Mr. David Fay, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts
Mr. Adam Hartke, Owner, Cotillion and WAVE
Mr. Ron Laffitte, President, Patriot Management
Mr. Pete Pantuso, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Bus Association
Mr. Michael Strickland, Owner, Bandit Lites
Hearing Details:
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
10:00 a.m.
Subcommittee on Manufacturing, Trade, and Consumer Protection (Hybrid)
With that said, we want to make sure that those members on the Commerce Committee hear from us. So we are requesting your help with a twitter campaign.
Here is the suggested tweet created :
@jerrymoran @senblumenthal Thank you from all in the Live Events Industry for giving us a voice in today’s Sen Commerce Subcommittee Hearing! We appreciate your time and efforts on our behalf, and hope this leads to relief for our businesses and workers.
Please add tag us - @liveeventco so we can reach as many as we can. If you would like to change the wording that is fine as long as you include an "appreciation" statement of what they have done. I know it is hard to say thanks for what they have "not" done but if we want to continue to build our "champions" we must make sure we let them know we "see" them.
The key people we need to reach are:
Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan. – Chairman
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn. – Ranking Member
Sen. John Thune, R- S.D.
Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb.
Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska
Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va.
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.
Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.
Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii
Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass.
Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M.
Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz.
Sen. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev.
Please prepare these tweets to go out to all of those listed above tomorrow Tuesday 12/14 any time between 9am EST & 3pm EST. Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for your continued support. LEC will not stop fighting until a relief bill is passed and we will keep fighting even after that.
Letters to Elected Officials from Live Events Coalition
We are getting closer, but we are not there yet. And we need your help. Sign and send this letter which references some data that was gleaned from the Live Events Coalition survey that just closed, to show the gravity of our situation now and for the next few months.
Please take a moment (15 seconds) to fill this out and continue to let our elected officials know! And please share with ALL of your friends, anyone can fill out, they do not have to be a part of the event industry. In other words, tell your friends, family, everyone you know and ask for their help!
Updates and News December 3rd
Hello Friends and Colleagues,
We hope you are all staying safe. We wanted to share some updates with you this week that were important.
Letters to Elected Officials from Live Events Coalition
We do not need to tell you that our industry is still at a standstill and in need of passing a legislative relief package, but we do need to continuing to tell our elected officials that we need them to do their jobs and pass such a bill. While you may have participated in our last letter campaign via our UJoin portal, we ask that you do so again. The letter references some data that was gleaned from the Live Events Coalition survey that just closed, to show the gravity of our situation now and for the next few months.
Sending the letter takes very little time, but the impact is powerful, the Live Events Industry and LEC remain committed to no longer being invisible or taking our foot off the gas until our elected officials hear us, see us and do what we elected them to do – serve us!
Please take a moment (15 seconds) to fill this out and continue to let our elected officials know! And please share with ALL of your friends, anyone can fill out, they do not have to be a part of the event industry. In other words, tell your friends, family, everyone you know and ask for their help!
Some additional updates
Members of the Live Events Coalition can now participate in the new health insurance program. Please view their website for details on joining and the health insurance program.
Philip Dufor, National Director of Development and Fundraising has been named as part of the transition team for VP Elect, Kamala Harris.
The Senate is getting closer to agreeing on a second relief bill. We are also awaiting what will happen with the PUA which is set to expire Dec 26th.
Live Events Coalition looking to evolve in to trade association to always fight for our industry and it is getting noticed in Washington. This shows the great work that all State Coalitions and the National Coalition has been doing to gain ground towards getting industry back on its feet.
Current Guidelines for City and State
Currently in the the City of Chicago, Mayor Lightfoot imposed new mitigations that went into effect November 30th.
The following industries or activities are closed indoors:
Restaurants & Bars, Movie Theaters, Performance Venues, Museums, Group Sports & Recreational Activities
Meeting Rooms, Banquet Centers, Private Party Rooms, Private Clubs, Country Clubs and other Event Venues may NOT host gatherings indoors or outdoors!
Currently in State of Illinois
Limit gatherings. Indoor gatherings of more than one household are prohibited by this Executive Order. Outdoor gatherings are limited to no more than ten people.
You can read the full details here
BIG Illinois Grants
The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity of the Illinois Governor’s office is still processing the Business Interruption Grant (BIG). This is a $220 million dollar program developed to help those small businesses hardest hit by COVID-19. Applications for the funding are live and Governor Pritzker has encouraged people to apply.
Thank you! Stay safe, stay well and please continue to follow the Illinois event guidelines!
Ali Phillips, Michelle Durpetti and Collin Pierson
BIG Grants for Illinois Small Business and Updates
Hello Friends,
We hope this email finds you well.
Illinois BIG Grants
The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity of the Illinois Governor’s office has recently announced the Business Interruption Grant (BIG). This is a $220 million dollar program developed to help those small businesses hardest hit by COVID-19. Applications for the funding will be live on September 17th. To view the application process and read more about the grant visit their website that has important information and FAQ’s on the application process. Planning ahead is key here and having all your documents ready for when the application goes live on Thursday, Sept 17th.
View all the details here and get your preparation in for the application
Heroes Act
We will be having a call with Senator Durbin's office this week and will report back with updates pertaining to the national Heroes Act currently being discussed in the Senate.
Live Events Coalition
We continue to work with our friends at the Live Events Coalition. Thank you for all that have participated in the activations and social media campaigns. Some notes on what the Live Events Coalition has been working on. Read more about the Live Events Coalition here.
Together with a creative advocacy firm they have established key legislative priorities and messaging; made Congress aware of the live events industry and its people; and convinced our elected officials and staff that we are an essential part of the U.S. economy and workforce.
Launched advocacy campaigns featuring the #WishIWasThere hashtag and "What We Miss" carousel posts that have been shared and participated in by thousands of live events professionals.
United 19 state coalitions in working together to get the country's attention and support our crucial legislative priorities.
Created a movement around empty events, case pushes, and other local activations that have garnered both local and national media coverage, and supported the Red Alert activations across the country.
Letters to Elected Officials
Please sign the elected official letter and add a personal message on the form that you are a small business owner and/or live events professional and you are specifically asking your federal elected officials to have a louder voice on behalf of the live events industry. We have tried to pivot and yet still don’t know how we can survive without an immediate aid package.
Thank youl Stay safe, stay well and please continue to follow the Illinois event guidelines!
Ali Phillips, Michelle Durpetti and Collin Pierson