Weekend Update from the IEC
We had a great conversation with Congresswoman Robin Kelly’s office today of the second congressional district to tell them about the coalition and answer questions they had about how the event industry is impacted in Illinois at this time of COVID-19. We also had an honest conversation about how the process for the PPP, EIDL, unemployment and PUA is working for everyone and we did share with him everything we are hearing from you.
If your business is located in the Second Congressional district,( you can see the map here to determine that), please shoot us an email to let us know. We would like to speak with you directly on some follow-up we have for them.
ALSO, we are interested in knowing which congressional districts your businesses operates in Illinois, which is important while we are talking to our congressional leaders. We will be sending a survey your way soon, please do fill that out for us if you can? We would be so appreciative!
You can quickly look up what district your business is located in here: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Some more good news. We are in touch with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity in Governor Pritzker’s office and have a call with them next week. Stay tuned for more information next week on that.
We will have a few other updates to share from the Live Events Coalition, and about a zoom webinar that we are so excited to participate in this coming Tuesday! Stay tuned, friends. And enjoy the weekend.